A New Way to
Access your
Customer Database
Txt2SQL for e-commerce & delivery databases

Ask a natural language question
Our txt2sql application translates your natural questions into SQL language for your to execute on your database.

Verify SQL query results
We verify all queries we generate with a dummy database to make sure it's valid and safe and provide you a visualization.

Access via API or web interface
You can access GenaSQL via API for direct integration into your internal systems or via web interface.

No need to integrate your DB
Just drop your database schema -- we will generate all other information necessary to generate accurate queries.
Automate your Customer Database
Integrate into your customer support systems or internal data analysis tools
Try the Demo!“Updates have been really fast and smooth. A great example of AI in delivery products."

Delivery Service
“Much better than open source models we have used!"
“It rocks!!"

We are releasing a new SQL benchmark!
Corgi-SQL is a new txt2sql benchmark for industry-grade databases.
Try out GenaSQL
for your Customer DB
Get Started!
No credit card required

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